About us

Julián's stonemason's house

What made us take advantage of the house of Julián, the stonemason of the town of Pinilla, to create this shelter? His story. We wanted to honor this craft by highlighting the ashlar work on the façade and the stonemason's instruments through a small museum that is integrated into the Pinilla del Valle Crafts Route. Then, its unbeatable location. Each room has a direct view of the Peñalara and the town stream, complementing the beautiful view of the countryside with the natural sounds of the water and the birds of the area. And finally, its closeness. Everyone is surprised when they discover the natural wonders that we have so close to Madrid to spend an unforgettable weekend.

A little history

Julián Matesanz was the stonemason of Pinilla del Valle. It is enough to ask any resident of the town about him to know him a little: generous, selfless, loyal and passionate about his work. He was born on January 9, 1921 and developed the stonemason's trade empirically, based on hours that turned into years and then into almost ten decades of effort. Many houses in the town have his mark and even the church of San Miguel boasts an arch that he restored and proudly showed to his three daughters and wife, Marciana.

Together with his tireless Marciana, he brought the stones by cart from the other shore of the reservoir next to the fig tree clearing, where the archaeological excavations are today. Then he worked them with dedication and perfectionism. He starred in a documentary video on Spanish TV in which he shows his work, with the Peñalara in the background and which we can see here. Video that, to date, has been seen by more than 200,000 people, which demonstrates the current interest of people around the world in the noble craft of traditional Spanish stonemasonry. Julián, since 2020, is no longer with us but his work and dedication are carved into the traditional facades of the town and in the hearts of those who remember him.

An exemplary example of our stonemason's work is his house. Between him and his wife, they built it from scratch, carrying each stone, giving a perfect rectangular shape to each one on the façade and sculpting the spheres that frame the tiles. The complete work was completed in 1951. This house saw the birth of two of his daughters and everyone who visits it is fascinated by its façade, its garden, its privileged view of Peñalara and the positive energy it emanates.

We were not the exception. We fell so in love with the house and its history that we were excited about the idea of ​​sharing it by creating a small and exclusive hotel that tells the story and the stonemason's trade.

Alex and Pachy

Our hotel is small but our passion for excellence is enormous.

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